News Article

Xi, Biden agree to advance cooperation

By China Daily -

President Xi Jinping and United States President Joe Biden affirmed in a phone conversation on 2nd of April the progress achieved so far in bilateral ties since their meeting in San Francisco in November, and agreed to strengthen communication to avoid misjudgment in order to push for the steady development of China-U.S. relations.

Economist: It is expected that China’s contribution to global economic growth will continue to exceed 30% in 2024

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Global economic growth is projected to decrease to 2.7 percent, and if China maintains a growth rate of 5 percent, it is expected to continue contributing over 30 percent to global growth, thereby driving global demand, said Zhu Min, vice chairman of China Center for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE) and former deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), on 24th of Jan.
